Gretel and Ernest Posner: Investing Real Estate in the Jewish Future

Photo of Gretel and Ernest Posner

Gretel and Ernest Posner first met on a blind date. Gretel had her reservations.

“She said, ‘I don’t date sailors,’ ” remembers Ernie.

“And he said, ‘I’m not a sailor. I’m a Naval officer,’ ” finishes Gretel with a laugh. “When we got married, we had a military wedding with all the trimmings. It was the talk of the synagogue.”

From that rom-com beginning the Posners went on to build a life together filled with milestones. Ernie eventually left the Navy to become a corporate attorney, while Gretel worked as a speech pathologist. They settled in Villanova, raised two daughters, and recently celebrated the last of their five grandchildren’s b’nai mitzvot. The Posners also just celebrated another milestone: They created an endowment at the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia.

“We are so appreciative of what we have, and we said, ‘It’s time for us to share,’ ” says Ernie.

The Posners’ involvement with the Jewish Federation began, in part, through their family. Both daughters have become active in each of their New Jersey the Jewish Federations—even receiving young leadership awards—and family trips to Israel have left deep impressions.

“That kind of travel is such an important part of a person’s Jewish education,” says Gretel, adding that for their grandchildren’s b’nai mitzvot, the Posners have taken each child on trips that incorporated sites of Jewish importance, including concentration camps and Anne Frank’s home. “Helping to create that connection for young people, it’s very meaningful.”

The Posners appreciated that the Jewish Federation supports a multitude of Jewish causes, including Birthright Israel, and began giving annually. When the couple began thinking about making a legacy contribution, some research into the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia left them feeling thoroughly comfortable.

“Some charities, the money is eaten up with fundraising and administrative costs. But when we looked at the Jewish Federation, we saw that the money goes where it needs to go,” says Ernie.

The Posners gifted residential real estate, the proceeds of which will fund three the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia endowments: one for free or low-cost trips to Israel for young adults, like Birthright; one for the Women of Vision Fund; and the third is a Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE).

Supporting the Jewish communities through endowments has been a gratifying experience for the Posners, one that feels all the more personal because it directly addresses their passions. “We are investing in the future,” says Gretel. “And it feels good. For us, it’s as simple and as complicated as that.”


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