What to Give

The simplest way to support the Jewish Community Foundation is through cash gifts. But creative gifts of assets can include stocks, bonds, and property (real estate and personal property such as artwork). These provide you with charitable deductions and can offer additional tax savings as well.

Choose the category of assets below that best fits your situation.

Photo of bread on a table. Links to Gifts of Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards
Gifts of Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards
A gift of cash is easy to make.
A teacher helping with a student. Links to Beneficiary Designations
Beneficiary Designations
Beneficiary designations are one of the simplest and most flexible ways to make a gift.
Photo of a woman lifting weights. Links to Gifts of Appreciated Securities
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
Smart gift planning combines charitable intent with cost-efficient planning techniques.
Photo of bread, candles, a cup and a book. Links to Gifts from Retirement Plans
Gifts from Retirement Plans
Consider retirement-plan benefits for a significant gift to the Jewish Community Foundation.
Photo of three girls playing. Links to Gifts of Life Insurance
Gifts of Life Insurance
Life insurance may fund a gift or replace the value of a gifted asset.
Photo of a group packing food. Links to Gifts of Real Estate
Gifts of Real Estate
Most kinds of real estate may be donated to the Jewish Community Foundation.
Photo of a happy family. Links to Closely Held Business Stock
Closely Held Business Stock
Business owners contributing closely held stock are allowed a charitable deduction.


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